Wednesday 19 September 2012

Economic Game - Diner City

I chose to play a game called Diner City for my economics class ( This game requires you to manage restaurant revenue, growth and products.

The first couple of times I played the game, I didn’t purchase any new locations for my restaurant and the locations were instead purchased by my competitors. This ultimately led to my restaurants demise as the competition was too much for my small restaurant. I also made some bad purchases which cost me but didn’t help generate much revenue.

After a few tries I managed to create a successful restaurant chain. I had to consider the price of the purchases I was making and figure out which products provided maximum revenue. For instance, the 3rd level is set in the city and people were in a hurry. Benches didn’t seem to be used and were in essence a wasted expense whereas newspaper stands seemed to do quite well. This situation also shows it’s necessary to ensure that costumer’s needs are constantly being re-evaluated and met.

Every level seemed to have the same consistent demand for menu selection, delivery services and some advertising. Certain things such as sandwich boards seemed to really help bring in customers. It was also very important to supply enough service employees and locations to ensure a steady flow of customers.

Eventually I did manage to complete all 4 levels successfully. My tip to you if you decide to try out this game would be to make sure to purchase the available restaurant locations as that seemed to be the deciding factor between winning and losing this game.


  1. Hi Alyssa,

    I also had to make similar decisions while playing the game. Did you try the ice cream stands? They also have helped me to generate some revenue. I was able to purchace all available locations on the last level and it really spined up my business.

  2. Hi Olha,

    I tried ice cream stands and they seemed to work well for the most part. I did have one level where they seemed to be ineffective but it could be that I added the stands too soon. I noticed I had a problem with benches if I added them before I had a few locations available.


  3. Actually I've never added benches. I just tried to keep enough money on hand to get enough employees for at least fast service. Or when I planned to purchase a new feature with seats I had increased my service to super fast before purchase.
